Hello, and welcome to the geology-research-related website of Kathryn Dorn! I'm a 2014 Haverford College physics major, currently a doctoral student studying seismology at the University of South Florida; my research interests are eclectic but tend to involve potentially destructive phenomena that appear and disappear rapidly, such as flash floods and earthquakes.
To be clear, all of the opinions, weirdness, unfortunate lack of aesthetics, and pessimism on this website are my own. I have a lot of opinions. None of them belong to the University of South Florida, and I doubt that USF would want them, anyway.
Please click on any of the links below for more information about my seismology research projects or other assorted stuff! However, another clarification first - this collection of webpages began solely as a class exercise in learning to code in HTML, and I exerted very little effort to portray any of my research projects completely or with any degree of solemnity. *Some people may be extremely surprised to learn that I ever apply any degree of solemnity to any project, but never mind.* Now I'm updating a few of the webpages to show off more recent aspects of my research - er, convey more relevant information - but this is absolutely not what I'm supposed to be spending much time on, so all updates will be sporadic. I'm adding timestamps to the webpage links below to show the most recent modification dates; any webpages left unedited since before August 2018 aren't current portrayals of my research, and may or may not be excuses to play with eye-jarring color schemes.
Most recently updates...a while ago. Definitely needs an update.
Most recently updated...a while ago. Definitely needs an update.
Most recently updated on August 29, 2018! NEW PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Almost completely redone on August 29, 2018, including the name.
Most recently updated a while ago, but terribly, terribly relevant for the future. Especially if you live in Florida. But, really, for ALL of our futures.
Most recently updated a while ago, but just as accurate or not as it ever was!