The above plot is the greyscale version of the first figure from this webpage . The horizontal axis, again, shows the day of 2017, counting from one at midnight of January 1, 2017. For the moment, I've omitted the windspeed data from the original figure, in the interests of decipherability.
I obtained the original BK ORV HHZ seismic data from the Northern California Earthquake
Data Center.2 The reservoir outflow and rainfall data came from the California Data Exchange Center.1
By the way, the lines below are how I defined the custom waterdrop symbol in GMT 4.5.15... But you may need to replace the spaces in each line with tabs, if you want to save this as a custom symbol file for your own use. I'm not sure if GMT requires those tabs or not.
0.0 0.0 0.207106782 c -G- -W0.05
-0.073223305 0.073223305 M -G- -W0.05
-0.25 0.25 0.5 315 360 A
0.25 0.25 0.5 180 225 A
0.0 0.0 0.207106782 135 45 A
0.073223305 0.073223305 D
0.0 0.0 0.207106782 c -G195/195/195 -W-
-0.073223305 0.073223305 M -G195/195/195 -W-
-0.25 0.25 0.5 315 360 A
0.25 0.25 0.5 180 225 A
-0.073223305 0.073223305 D
This isn't a trick website that keeps redirecting you to my page of flooded-Florida maps at all. No. Of course not.
See? I wasn't even lying about that! Try clicking this link instead!
References and Datasources
1. Reservoir outflow and accumulated precipitation data - both hourly - are from "Oroville Dam." California Data Exchange Center. Most recently accessed on June 19, 2017.
2. Seismic data and instrument metadata for the Berkeley Digital Seismic Network instrument "BK ORV" acquired via the Northern California Earthquake Data Center "FDSN Dataselect Web Service."
Also, major credit where credit is due! I made the above plot with Generic Mapping Tools Version 4.5.15; you can find more information about GMT at .
Last updated on December 8, 2017, by Kathryn Dorn. You can link to my website and you can reference it as long as you cite it properly, but you are by no means allowed to plagiarize from it. Also, the contents of this page do not reflect the views, approval, opinions, or much else of my employer and current school, the University of South Florida, aside from that I conducted this research with USF resources and it's a term-project-in-progress for one of the classes I'm taking at the moment.